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Our Partners

Our Partners

USAID's FEWS NET comprises a global team of food security partners who specialize in evidence-based early warning monitoring and analysis, agroclimatology, livelihoods, data, learning, and communications to provide actionable insights for key decision-makers.


The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Hydrological Sciences Laboratory examines the role of water in the Earth system. Laboratory researchers strive to better understand, quantify, and analyze the hydrological cycle and to measure hydrological processes in order to improve prediction of the response of global hydrology to anthropogenic and/or natural climate change.

The FEWS NET team at NASA GSFC supports FEWS NET agroclimatology by applying Earth Observations and land surface modeling to characterize past, present, and future water availability and vegetation conditions.

University of Maryland Geographical Sciences & NASA Harvest assure continued FEWS NET participation in the monthly international collaborative production of the Crop Monitor for Early Warning.

Visit the NASA website
NOAA logo

NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division (ESRL/PSD) provides critical forecasting products, services, and research on climate predictability at sub-seasonal to multi-seasonal time scales. These support FEWS NET’s early warning of food insecurity, and help identify climate change impacts in food-insecure countries worldwide.

NOAA's Climate Predication Center (CPC) provides critical products and services to support FEWS NET's early warning of food insecurity and identification of climate change impacts in food-insecure countries worldwide.

Visit the NOAA website
USDA logo

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) leads USDA’s efforts to help developing countries improve their agricultural systems and build their trade capacity. FAS’s network of global contacts and long-standing relationships with international groups contribute to the agency’s unique market intelligence capacity. FAS analysts provide objective intelligence on foreign market conditions, prepare production forecasts, assess export opportunities, and track changes in policies affecting U.S. agricul­tural exports and imports.

Visit the USDA website
USGS logo

At the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, analysts study land change and produce land change data products used by researchers, resource managers, and policy makers across the nation and around the world. The FEWS NET team at USGS EROS provides agroclimatology support through remote sensing, modeling, and geospatial data analysis.

Visit the USGS website
CHC logo

Supports FEWS NET agroclimatology through the application of its unique global gridded time-series precipitation data set for early identification and forecast of reduced-yield agricultural seasons; produces cutting-edge science to benefit communities most impacted by extreme events by identifying the conditions that impact yield throughout the developing world and then assess how these conditions can be forecast for early identification/warning.

Visit the CHC website
Chemonics logo

Chemonics implements three FEWS NET teams including the Early Warning of Food Insecurity, the Dynamics of Food, Nutrition, and Livelihood Security, and the Knowledge Base Program through a headquarters in Washington, D.C., and more than two dozen regional and national offices around the world. Chemonics manages FEWS NET operations in locations with known or likely acute food insecurity and supports the Early Warning Team in carrying out emergency food insecurity analysis and decision support.

Visit the Chemonics website
American Institutes for Research logo

The American Institutes for Research (AIR) manages FEWS NET’s Learning and Data Hub, which serves the FEWS NET team and the global food security community with the technology platforms and strategies necessary to manage, analyze, and disseminate FEWS NET data, information, knowledge products, and learning.

Visit the AIR website
Tetra Tech Logo

Tetra Tech manages FEWS NET's Strategic Planning and Activity Design (SPADe) Support Task Order by providing USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) and the FEWS NET Management Team with a flexible and responsive mechanism for conducting studies, assessments, and analyses to enhance resilience programming.

Visit the Tetra Tech website
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