Agroclimatology Data
FEWS NET uses advanced satellite technologies and predictive models to monitor and forecast the impacts of climate and weather events on crop conditions. This information contributes to our convergence of evidence approach used to assess global food insecurity.
FEWS NET's Agroclimatology Team uses remote sensing and output from atmospheric and land surface models to assess crop growing conditions across large areas. Remote sensing imagery is captured by instruments onboard satellites orbiting the Earth, while the models employ mathematical equations to simulate the physical processes occurring in the atmosphere and on the ground. Together they provide FEWS NET analysts with an overview of rainfall, temperature, vegetation, soil moisture, and surface water conditions.
The portals and tools listed below utilize remote sensing to provide useful insights relating to weather and climate.
This portal provides access to geo-spatial data, satellite imagery, and satellite-derived data products in support of FEWS NET weather and climate monitoring efforts throughout the world.
This portal provides access to satellite-derived Earth observation and Earth system model data products that support FEWS NET efforts to monitor and forecast terrestrial hydrology throughout the world.
This portal provides maps for different types of weather monitoring, including temperature, precipitation, and weather hazards, as well as various forecast products.
This portal uses a combination of remote sensing data and ground observations as inputs to develop rainfall and other models that reliably predict crop performance in areas vulnerable to crop failure.
GEOGLAM Crop Monitor reports provide open, timely, science-driven information on crop growing conditions, status, and agroclimatic factors likely to impact global production.
The Crop Explorer web application features near-real-time global crop condition information based on the satellite imagery and weather data processed by Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division (PECAD).
This interactive web-based mapping tool allows users to visualize continental-scale rainfall estimate (Climate Hazards Center InfraRed Precipitation with Station data, or CHIRPS), land surface temperature (LST), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data and anomalies, and more at varied time steps and review time series analysis.
This interactive web-based mapping tool allows users to visualize time series of rainfall, NDVI, evapotranspiration, land surface temperature, and snow water volume, where applicable. EWX Lite is better suited for areas with poor internet connectivity.
This portal allows users to analyze and interact with climate and land-surface environmental monitoring datasets in real-time to improve decision making related to drought, water sustainability, and agricultural productivity.
This spatial analysis tool is designed for climatological analysis of historical rainfall and temperature data. These user-friendly tools can be used to create more accurate datasets, analyze seasonal trends and/or historical climate data, create visual representations of climate data, and create scripts (batch files).
This program runs a crop-specific water balance model for a selected region in the world, using raster data inputs to help assess and monitor crop conditions during the crop growing season, or can be regressed with yields to produce yield estimation models and yield estimates.
The water point map viewer, which monitors 234 water points from Senegal to Somalia, will help a range of government and non-government actors understand the current availability of water for livestock and human consumption. This will inform food security analysis, humanitarian assistance planning, and a range of other activities.