Livelihood Zones
FEWS NET’s Livelihood Zone Maps, Descriptions, and Profiles provide information about defined areas in a particular country where most people generally have the same food and cash income-earning opportunities.
Livelihood Zone Maps are produced through multi-day workshops during which food security stakeholders and country experts identify the different livelihood zones by considering factors such as agroclimatology, elevation, landcover, land use, market accessibility, sources of food and cash income, and major economic activities. FEWS NET’s Livelihood Zone Maps and shapefiles are available for download as PDFs, PNGs, and geographic information system (GIS) shapefiles. Logos displayed on zone map files indicate the partners who participated in and/or funded the zoning process.
Showing 1 - 10 of 71 data downloads
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* The "Download all Livelihood Zones Data" button at the top of this page includes current livelihood zones