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What We Do

What We Do

FEWS NET provides timely, accurate, evidence-based information and analysis on acute food insecurity to inform international, national, and local decision-making. Our data and analysis are publicly available on this website and the FEWS NET Data Explorer.

herder with livestock

FEWS NET monitors and provides early warning analysis of ongoing, imminent, or emerging threats to food security and maintains the flexibility to analyze unanticipated crises around the world. FEWS NET operates and maintains networks in countries with known or likely acute food insecurity and draws on enhanced skills to forecast future acute food insecurity.

Learn how FEWS NET makes its projections
Women holding sweet potatoes

FEWS NET captures, documents, and shares data and analysis through this website, the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE), and other delivery channels. FEWS NET also makes our data, tools, information, knowledge, and learning accessible to its partners and a broader public audience.

Visit FEWS NET's acute food insecurity data page
rows of plants

FEWS NET is also designed to deepen the understanding of the root causes of persistent or recurrent food insecurity, malnutrition, and the combination of local vulnerabilities and hazards that result in food insecurity. This understanding helps to strengthen country-led food security efforts, particularly in the areas of evidence-based risk management, policy development, and resource allocation.

Learn about FEWS NET's livelihoods-based approach
drought dry cracked land

The FEWS NET Agroclimatology Team relies on various partners to carry out and support agroclimatology data collection, contributing to the basis of FEWS NET’s integrated food security analysis. As part of these efforts, FEWS NET participates in remote sensing, monitoring, and field observation activities to produce early warning information products and services.

Learn about the use of agroclimatology in FEWS NET's work
Satellite above Earth

FEWS NET applies advances and innovations in information technology, data collection, and analytical tools to every aspect of our work to enhance our impact and services.

Learn about FEWS NET's implementing partners
Family eating together

Working with partners produces more insightful information than working alone, and strengthening networks remains a key part of FEWS NET’s mission. FEWS NET is committed to developing and strengthening collaborative global partnerships to pursue a shared goal of improving food security worldwide.

Learn about FEWS NET's approach to network development
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The information provided on this Website is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.

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