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FEWS NET Services Directory

FEWS NET Services Directory

FEWS NET provides evidence-based early warning information and analysis of acute food insecurity through various reports, products, briefings, data, and resources. This page includes an overview of the wide range of products and services we offer.

Integrated food security analysis reports

Food Security Outlook Brief (FAOB)
FEWS NET’s FAOB is published monthly and presents FEWS NET’s projected population in need of urgent humanitarian food assistance (i.e., those who are facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes) and the highest anticipated IPC Phase that will be mapped in each FEWS NET-monitored country seven months into the future. In each country, the projected population in need of urgent humanitarian food assistance is also compared to the same period of the previous year and the recent five-year average. Short descriptions are provided for countries with large food insecure populations, an expectation of high severity, or where other key concerns warrant further context.

View all Food Security Outlook Briefs


Food Security Outlook (FSO)
FEWS NET’s FSO reports are produced three times a year, typically at the end of February, June, and October, for all FEWS NET presence countries. These reports provide FEWS NET’s analysis of the current and anticipated severity of acute food insecurity for the next eight months. The analysis includes associated household and area-level IPC Phase classifications, along with a series of maps depicting FEWS NET’s assessment of area-level IPC Phase classifications during each period of analysis. FEWS NET also publishes regional FSOs in March, July, and November, which provide a regional synthesis of the country-level analyses. Learn more about FEWS NET’s methodology.

View all Food Security Outlooks


Food Security Outlook Update (FSOU)
FEWS NET’s FSOU reports serve as an update to the previous FSO report and are published three times per year, typically at the end of April, August, and December, for all FEWS NET presence countries. These reports provide FEWS NET’s analysis of the current level of acute food insecurity and incorporate any changes to the anticipated severity of acute food insecurity for the next six months. The analysis includes associated household and area-level IPC Phase classifications, along with maps depicting the area-level classifications during the period of analysis. Given the complexity of analyzing acute food insecurity, the FSOU aims to offer timely updates to FEWS NET’s analysis, taking into account the latest country-specific developments.

View all Food Security Outlook Updates


Remote Monitoring Report (RM)/RM Update (RMU)

FEWS NET’s RM reports are produced three times a year in February, June, and October for all FEWS NET remotely monitored countries. These reports provide FEWS NET’s analysis of the current and anticipated severity of acute food insecurity, projecting outcomes for the next eight months.

FEWS NET’s RMU reports serve as an update to the previous RM report and are published three times per year in April, August, and December. These reports provide FEWS NET’s analysis of the current level of acute food insecurity and incorporate any changes to the anticipated severity of acute food insecurity for the next six months in comparison to the latest analysis.

For remote monitoring countries, the analysis includes associated area-level IPC Phase classifications, and the maps use a colored outline to represent the highest area-level IPC Phase classification that is expected to occur within the country during the period(s) of analysis. The outline aims to convey that analytical confidence is lower in FEWS NET's remotely monitored countries than in FEWS NET’s presence countries.

View all Remote Monitoring Updates


Key Message Update (KMU)
FEWS NET’s KMU reports are produced six times a year in January, March, May, July, September, and November for all FEWS NET presence and remotely monitored countries. These reports provide a high-level summary of FEWS NET’s analysis of current levels of acute food insecurity and incorporate any changes to FEWS NET’s latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes. The analysis includes associated household and area-level IPC classifications, along with maps depicting the area-level classification(s). Given the complexity of analyzing acute food insecurity, KMUs aim to offer timely updates to FEWS NET’s analysis, taking into account the latest country-specific developments.

View all Key Message Updates


FEWS NET will publish an Alert to highlight a current or anticipated shock expected to drive a sharp deterioration in food security, such that a humanitarian food assistance response is imminently needed.

View all Alerts


Special Report
Occasionally, FEWS NET will publish a Special Report that serves to provide an in-depth analysis of food security issues of particular concern that are not covered in FEWS NET’s regular monthly reporting. These reports may focus on a specific factor driving food security outcomes anywhere in the world during a specified period of time. For example, in 2019, FEWS NET produced a Special Report on widespread flooding in East Africa and its associated impacts on regional food security.

View all Special Reports


Markets and trade reports

FEWS NET monitors trends in staple food prices and key source markets in countries at risk of acute food insecurity.

Global Price Watch
FEWS NET’s Global Price Watch reports offer a monthly update on global, regional, and national market and commodity price trends, with a focus on FEWS NET-monitored countries. This report also analyzes key market-influencing factors, including production and trade flows, and provides an outlook for the next month. The accompanying Price Watch Annexes detail specific trends in select reference markets for key staple commodities, organized by country.

View all Global Price Watch reports


Price Bulletin
FEWS NET's Price Bulletins are published monthly for FEWS NET-monitored countries and regions. The bulletins provide data on monthly prices of staple commodities in key markets during the current marketing year, and comparisons of current trends with both five-year average prices (reflecting seasonal trends) and prices from the previous year.

View all Price Bulletins


Supply and Market Outlook
FEWS NET’s Supply and Market Outlook reports provide a summary of regional staple food availability, surpluses, and deficits, as well as projected price behavior, implications for local and regional commodity trade, and essential market monitoring indicators. The accompanying annexes offer price and supply projections for key staple commodities in select reference markets.

View all Supply and Market Outlooks


East Africa Cross Border Trade Report
FEWS NET’s East Africa Cross-Border Trade Report is produced in collaboration with regional partners. This report provides a summary of both formal and informal trade flow patterns in the region, with a specific focus on food commodity exchanges at key border points.

View all East Africa Cross Border Trade Reports


Production and Trade Flow Maps
FEWS NET’s Production and Trade Flow Maps capture the geography of market systems for a commodity in a given country or region, including its catchments (e.g., key market towns and cross-border trade points) and trade flow patterns. Please note FEWS NET no longer produces this product.

View all Production and Trade Flow Maps


Enhanced Market Analysis
FEWS NET’s Enhanced Market Analysis reports present historic research findings from USAID-commissioned studies that provide an evidence base to inform response analysis in selected countries. These include but are not limited to Congressional-mandated Bellmon Analysis, assessments that U.S.-provided non-emergency food assistance will not cause local production and marketing disincentives and that there is adequate capacity for the safe storage of U.S. food assistance upon arrival. Please note FEWS NET no longer produces this product.

View all Enhanced Market Analysis reports


Market Fundamentals Report
FEWS NET’s Market Fundamentals reports provide historic overviews of staple food, cash crop, livestock, and/or labor marketing systems in a FEWS NET-monitored country. These reports aim to inform regular market monitoring and analysis planning to support FEWS NET’s integrated food security analysis in a given country. Please note FEWS NET no longer produces this product.

View all Market Fundamentals reports


Agroclimatology reports

Global Weather Hazards
The Global Weather Hazards report anticipates severe weather or climate events in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Central Asia. This product provides maps with current weather and climate information; short and medium range weather forecasts (up to one week); and the potential impact on crop and pasture conditions. It does not reflect long range forecasts or food security conditions.

View all Global Weather Hazards


Seasonal Monitors
FEWS NET’s Seasonal Monitors are produced for Latin America and the Caribbean, West Africa, East Africa, Central Asia, and Somalia every 10-to-30 days during the region’s respective rainy season(s). Seasonal Monitors report updates on weather events (e.g., rainfall patterns) and associated impacts on ground conditions (e.g., cropping conditions, pasture and water availability), as well as the short-term rainfall forecast. Find more remote sensing information here.

View all Seasonal Monitors


Seasonal Forecast Monthly Briefings
The FEWS NET Seasonal Forecast Review presents assumptions of future agroclimatic conditions used in scenarios that project acute food insecurity. Several agroclimatology assumptions are presented for each of seven focus regions, which include East Africa, Yemen, West Africa, Southern Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Central Asia, and Ukraine.View all Seasonal Forecast Monthly Briefings

Livelihoods resources

Livelihood Zone Maps
FEWS NET’s Livelihood Zone Maps identify the number of different livelihood zones in a country or region and define areas where the majority of people generally have the same food and cash income-earning opportunities, including comparable access to markets.

View all Livelihood Zone Maps


Livelihood Zone Descriptions
FEWS NET’s Livelihood Zone Descriptions supplement the Livelihood Zone Maps and describe the main patterns of access to food, cash income, and markets within each livelihood zone. The zone descriptions, together with the zone maps, offer a geographic framework for interpreting existing monitoring data on production, prices, and other indicators to identify potential effects of shocks.

View all Livelihood Descriptions


Livelihood Profiles
FEWS NET’s Livelihood Profiles break down populations in each livelihood zone by wealth group and provide a basis for understanding how different wealth groups may be vulnerable to particular shocks. The profiles provide detailed qualitative information for identifying relevant food security monitoring indicators.

View all Livelihood Profiles


Livelihood Baselines
FEWS NET’s Livelihood Baselines provide the most detailed quantifiable analysis of household livelihood options. Baselines detail food, cash, market, and expenditure patterns, and both quantify and measure the impact of shocks on households and coping capacity across wealth groups. FEWS NET uses baselines to conduct HEA Outcome Analysis, which are useful for informing humanitarian assistance planning and forecasting acute food insecurity outcomes.

View all Livelihood Baselines


Seasonal Calendars
FEWS NET’s Seasonal Calendars illustrate the key food and income sources that are most important in FEWS NET-monitored countries and indicate the months these sources are available in a typical year. Most countries have more than one Seasonal Calendar as these key variables are specific to regions within an individual country (e.g., key food and income sources in the northwest of a country may be different from those in the northeast and should be monitored at different times of the year). The calendars also show the start and end to key rainy and lean seasons. The calendars supplement Livelihood Profiles and are integral to FEWS NET’s food security projections.

View all Seasonal Calendars


Livelihood Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets provide a summary of the most relevant data from the Livelihood Baseline Profiles.

They include the livelihood zone description; seasonal calendar; key parameters for monitoring; wealth breakdown and productive assets; as well as graphs of the Annual Sources of Food, Cash Income, and Expenditure Patterns for all Wealth Groups.

View all Livelihood Fact Sheets


Food security data and data platforms

FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE)
The FDE -- FEWS NET's premier data platform -- supports data exploration in more than 30 countries and across more than a half dozen actively managed data domains. The FDE uses a robust API structure to supply customizable, continuous access to data from a variety of sources. The platform includes features like a data aggregation tool that analysts can easily use to incorporate different time periods into their work without additional manipulation and geospatial tagging for mapping FEWS NET’s data.

Visit the FEWS NET Data Explorer


Acute Food Insecurity Data
FEWS NET acute food insecurity data, dating back to June 2009, are available for download as regional geographic information system (GIS) shapefiles and images. Country-specific GIS shapefiles and images, starting from October 2020, are also available for download.

View all acute food insecurity data


Markets and Trade Data
FEWS NET monitors, gathers, and maintains staple food, market, and cross-border trade price data for FEWS NET-monitored countries. These markets and trade data are critical to the success of FEWS NET’s integrated food security analysis and are available for download.

View all markets and trade data


Agroclimatology Data
FEWS NET's Agroclimatology Team uses remote sensing and output from atmospheric and land surface models to assess crop growing conditions across large areas. Remote sensing imagery is captured by instruments onboard satellites orbiting the Earth, while the models employ mathematical equations to simulate the physical processes occurring in the atmosphere and on the ground. A variety of partner organization data portals provide access to FEWS NET's agroclimatology data.

View all agroclimatology data


Livelihood Zone Maps
FEWS NET’s Livelihood Zone Maps identify the number of different livelihood zones in a country or region and define areas where the majority of people generally have the same food and cash income-earning opportunities, including comparable access to markets. Livelihood Zone Maps typically accompany FEWS NET’s Livelihood Zone Descriptions and Livelihood Profiles and are available for download.

View all Livelihood Zone Maps


Geographic Boundaries
FEWS NET maintains a database of current and historical national and subnational administrative boundaries for FEWS NET-monitored countries. These geospatial data resources identify the geographic boundaries of administrative divisions within a given country. FEWS NET monitors changes to administrative boundaries over time and uses these shapefiles to develop a variety of FEWS NET mapping products (i.e., acute food insecurity classification maps and Livelihood Zone Maps). These files are available for download in a geographic information system (GIS) shapefile format.

View all geographic boundaries



Food Assistance Outlook Briefings
On a monthly basis, FEWS NET provides a Food Assistance Outlook briefing to USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance that summarizes FEWS NET’s most forward-looking analysis of projected food assistance needs in FEWS NET-monitored countries.
Regional Food Security Outlook Briefings
Following the release of the FSO reports, FEWS NET provides a series of Regional Food Security Outlook Briefings that summarize current and projected acute food insecurity outcomes through the next seven months.
Ad Hoc Briefings
FEWS NET also periodically provides ad-hoc briefings to government and humanitarian audiences when there are crisis situations or issues of particular concern.

Technical and process guidance documents

Guidance Documents
Food insecurity, by definition, is a multifaceted issue. To contribute to the understanding of analyzing and forecasting acute food insecurity outcomes, FEWS NET has developed a range of documents on various technical topics to provide practical guidance to its analysts and broader network partners.View all Technical and Process Guidance Documents

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